
惹味臘腸包 3個

Original price was: $36.Current price is: $28.

product gift(s):
下單送 原味雞肉燒賣6粒 1盒

香港製造 Made in Hong Kong

生產商:延記點心有限公司 Manufacturer : The Yin Restaurant Limited

地址:觀塘成業街16-17號成運工業大廈4樓21室 Address : Sing Win Factory Building Room 21, 4/F

儲藏方法:冷藏於攝氏-18度 Storage Instructions:Frozen at -18 ° C

圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準︒ The picture is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.

注意事項 :
本產品不含防腐劑,請儘早食用,未食用完畢請冷凍於攝氏-18度保存︒ This product does not contain preservatives. Please consume it as soon as possible and freeze the leftovers at -18 °C.

顧客服務熱線:(852) 6298 8667 Customer Service Hotline:(852) 6298 8667